LightCyber Shines a Light on Real Threats

POSTED on June 1, 2016


Gonen Fink, CEO of LightCyber, explains how his firm’s technology helps solve a key missing piece of the security alert mystery.

June 01, 2016 Sean Michael Kerner

Many security vendors in the protection space focus on prevention of attacks, but that’s not the focus for Gonen Fink, the CEO of LightCyber. His company’s focus is on detection of real threats as opposed to just re-purposing existing security prevention technology.

In a video interview, Fink details how he has built LightCyber to fill a gap in the security landscape.

“The missing piece of behavioral detection is a space that is growing, it’s a space that will improve security and it’s the space that LightCyber is in,” Fink said.

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